Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Health of our Nation

Peace and Blessings.

At our monthly Earth cipher today, one of the things we do is discuss the Nation of Gods and Earth Health Topic. Just to give a brief history, the NGE National Health Commitee asked all of us to utilize the calendar topics monthly during our parliaments, general civilization classes, earth ciphers, regional meetings etc. Based on the adhoc health meeting that occurred on October 12th 2008 at the NGE Day One Convention in Power Born, we have added an "Herb of the Month" to compliment the health topic to be discussed during that month.

The 2009 Health Calendar Topics include:
JANUARY - Teaching Hypertension; Herb of the Month - Diabetes
FEBRUARY -Teaching Diabetes; Herb of the Month - Yarrow
MARCH - Teaching HIV and AIDS; Herb of the Month - Echnicea
APRIL - Teaching Drug and Alcohol Abuse; Herb of the Month - Red Clover
MAY - Teaching Fast; Herb of the Month - Slippery Elm
JUNE - Teaching Anemia; Herb of the Month - Alfafa
JULY - Teaching Reproductive Health; Herb of the Month - Saw Palmetto
AUGUST - Teaching Essential Vitamins & Minerals and Water Consumption; Herb of the
Month - Rosemary
SEPTEMBER - Teaching Adult and Childhood Obesity; Herb of the Month - Chickweed
OCTOBER - Teaching Holistic Approaches (Yoga, Meditation, and Breathing); Herb of the
Month - Peppermint
NOVEMBER - Teaching Hygiene; Herb of the Month - Ginger and Cayenne
DECEMBER - Teaching Mental Health; Herb of the Month - Green Tea

These topics should merely serve as a springboard to having open dialogue about the health issues that effect us as a Nation. Each of us are assets to the growth of our Nation and without us being in the best of health, our future is jeapordized. Sisters, we must encourage our Gods to seek regular healthcare - particular after the age of 40, they should check to things such as prostate and colon cancers, diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol. It may take a little encouragement, nudging, or just dropping some bombs to assist our brothers to help them maintain their health.

Sisters, although most of us are good with seeking medical care regularly, many times our self-esteem cause us to abuse our bodies through premiscuity, abortions, untreated stds, and general misuse of our best parts. We should all be proactive with not only protecting our own jewels, but also helping God protect and preserve his own.

What are ways you can promote and preserve the mental and phyiscal health of yourself, your spouse, and your seeds?

Victorious Lanasia Earth

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